Wednesday, August 20, 2008

to clarify the constitutions?

Dear Gerrit.

Re:- The Constitution Part 5 -Powers of the Parliament.

51..The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for peace, order and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:-

"(xxvi) The people of any race, other than the aboriginal in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws"

After the 1976 referendum, the Constitution adhered. Now reads as:-

"(xxvi) The people of any race for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws"

Previously on numinous times you referred to this "con-job referendum" which in part was a Con Job. as many Australian were under the impression that this would give the Aboriginals the right to vote and be counted as living in their own land in the next censors,( which it did.) However, Terra -Nullus, still remained the Legal profession rampage, until 1992. "Eddie Marbo Native land title claim," When the Court ruled Terra-Nullus was nothing more then legal fiction.

I ask, did the Australian Government have power to make laws for the Aboriginal race prior to the 1967 referendum?.

Now to the Victoria Constitution Act 1975,

As previous point out, The Victorian Government is the only State that maintains it own power and control over the Aboriginals of Victoria, I also brought to attention that on 26 August 1991 Ms. Helen M Mason Executive Officer of the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee, confirmed in writing was "..unaware of any Act which gives the Victorian Government the "power to make laws for peace, order and good government for indigenous people."

Considering the above as "evidence" it would be with in reason for a lay person to assume that the Victoria Parliament has no jurisdiction over the Aboriginal people of Victoria, therefore the Courts of Victoria have no jurisdiction at all.

As you appear to mix up, or confuse the issue by referring the Australian Constitution, then the next to Victorian Constitution.. We maintain that the Victorian Constitution Act. makes no mention of the Aboriginal race at all, therefore has no standing with the aboriginal community, hence No Jurisdiction,

As you proclaim to be a Constitution expert, In concise form, I seek your opinion on such.

Yours in good faith Les McDonald