Tuesday, May 1, 2007

To Premier Steve Bracks 20/02/06

The Primer of Victoria
The Hon. Steve Bracks 20th February 2006
Level 1. Treasury Pl.
Melbourne 3001

Dear Premier, The Hon .Steve Bracks,

Re: Our Peoples Health and Welbeing.

Ever since Europeans occupied our lands, alcohol has played a major part in destroying our race, Still today our people suffer for the effects of the legal drug alcohol, violence, death destruction, ruination of the family, drunkenness and loss of self respect. ext....

Australian's first Botanist, recorded a native herb on the Cape York Peninsula , as being belonging to herbaceous plant Cannabis sativa family, erroneously classified as a narcotic. after colonisation, our tribal lands become divided, between South Australia and Victoria.

In1987 South Australia Government conceded, with civil penalty schemes, (infringement notice) to posses up to 100 grams of cannabis and no more than three cannabis plants per household, fines between $50 and $150, where failure to pay usually results in a conviction
1992. Australian Capital Territory Government, legislated in law, growing no more then five plants per household, Adults fined $100,. where failure to pay does not lead to conviction.

1996, The Victorian Parliament, ignored similar cannabis legislation, contained in the report by Professor David Penington, Chairman, The Premiers Drug Advisory Council,2006. There is growing fear within our community that "hydroponics" grown cannabis is causing harm to our young adults, as it contains dangerous chemicals, once again white man has interfered with nature,. and exposed our people to a greater health risk.

As time and study has revealed the current laws, has inflicted an unnecessary tax on our people, mentally, physical and financially. The laws surround cannabis, use, possession and cultivation do not support our present community needs and demands.

With the aforesaid in mind,

I have been requested by the Council of Aboriginal Elders of Victoria to bring to your attention as you are the leader of Government, the urgent need to amend the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substance Act 1981, and insert in all relevant sections of the Act.

No person being a decedent of the Aboriginal race shall not be charge with any offence, if that person is found to have less then 30 grams of cannabis in his or her possession.

No person being a decedent of the Aboriginal race shall not be charge with any offence, for cultivation of up to five cannabis plants per household, for personal use only.


Beryl Booth
Embassy Vic.

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