Monday, December 3, 2007

Cannabis Law

Ballarat & Distraict Aboriginal Co-opFax 5333 1637
To Whom It May Concern , 4th December 2007

We again write, to bring to your attention the health risk associated with using cannabis that has been grown indoors "hydroponics cultivation" chemical enhanced, adulterated cannabis, has dramatically impacted on the mental health of our people.

As you would be well aware that many of our people now use cannabis as an alternative to alcohol, citing, that it reduces violence in the home and the wider community, However the current laws in the state of Victoria and the high cost of cannabis, has placed an unnecessary burden on our people. I ask, should we not be given the same benefits as in other states?

The only way that we can remove the Health Risk facing our people and the most logical way is to change the current State Laws. to suit the needs of our present society needs and demands. Clearly prohibition of Cannabis has not worked.

In our previous (letters) Fax 26 September 2007 we enclosed a Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, this being the lawful and best way to address the issue, Unfortunately, some Aboriginal organizations, under their rules and objectives of the Co-op are not committed to protecting the Aboriginal people, No doubt an obvious oversight..

I point out the main thrust of the Petition being:-

1. That no person being a decedent of the Aboriginal race shall not be charged with any offense, if that person is found to have less then 30 grams of cannabis in his or her possession.

2. That no person being a descedant of the Aboriginal race shall not be charged with any offense, for cultivation of up to five cannabis plants per household, for personal use only.

As many Aboriginal Co-op property representing the people now flourish through-out Victoria, It would greatly assist the cause if you could find the time to pass the Petition around the community, this give them the chance and opportunity in creating a more healthier peaceful and harmonious lifestyle for the present and future generation of Aboriginal People.

All signed petition can be mailed to the address below, I thank you.

Yours sincerely Les McDonald Chief Lore OfficeAboriginal Embassy Victoria .

P.s. Over the last ten years or-so there is growing unrest within our community, It appears that the requirements laid out by laid out by Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, and the Native Land title Act, has divided our people, Now in very small groups, speaking of their country only. Which I feel is nothing but shear nonsense, and should be avoided at all cost

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