Monday, October 6, 2008

Need the answers to legal (2) issues

The following is (in part) letters to A-G.and his department responce, I feel the Attorney-General may not realise the importance of the questions put to him.

1st July 2008 Letter to Attorney-General Rob Hulls,." As advised, I now ask the Attorney-General, to clarify if the issue at hand,
1. Has the Victorian Parliament the proper legislated power to make laws for the Aboriginal People of Victoria, Considering that The Victorian Constitution Act 1975 does not mention the Aboriginal race of Victoria.

2. If the Courts Jurisdiction is question in the Magistrates Court, should the matter then be transferred to The Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the Jurisdiction issue.

3rd August 2008 To Attorney-General Rob Hulls, "Re: Courts Jurisdiction I write to bring to your attention that as yet I have not received any response to the Urgent issues raised in my Letter dated 1st July 2008".. "As this matter is most urgent and of growing public interest, it would be greatly appreciated if you attend to the matters raised at your earliest opportunity"

6th August 2008. From Attorney-General "We have received your correspondence of 1 July and your further letter of 3 August".." correspondence is referred to the Department of Justice for a response to be prepared. Due to the volume received and the work involved immediate responses cannot be provided" Yours sincerely, Lyn Malone,DLO Justice Office, Office of the Attorney-General

13 From the Department of Justice, Office of the Executive Director, Courts On behalf of Attorney-General Rob Hulls, You have requested that the Attorney-General clarify the following issues" (see 1. and 2 as 1st July 2008 ) "I note that you currently have a matter before the Magistrates' Court. The matters you raised are legal issues; neither the Attorney-General nor any public servant can provide you with legal advice about your mater.
signed JOHN GRIFFIN, PSM Executive Director, Courts

I point out, the only time people need to clarify Legal Issues is when the matter is before the Courts, It is very disappointing that the Attorney-General or no public servant can not provide this legal advice. Why is this so?

Is it because,

(a) The former Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Mr. Jennings. media release of dated Wednesday, 8 June 2005, made it know that "From July 1st ATSIC regional councils end and their will be no formal representative striation in Victoria for Government to hear the views of Indigenous People" or

(b) "The matters raised are legal issues; would that clarify that the Victorian Government has no power to make Laws for peace, order and Good Government for the aboriginal people of Victoria

Your personal comments would be greatly appreciated,

Your sincerely
Les McDonald
Chief Lore Officer
Aboriginal Embassy Victoria

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