Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lynne Haultain 21/08/06

Dear Ms Lynne Haultain 21/08/06
We have received numinous Emails from members of the Hepburn community that attended the meeting on the 12th July 2006. It has been brought to our attention,

"that the Aboriginal Embassy have been disregarded in the whole process"
"No mention of the Aboriginal Embassy!" and
"did their view points not matter"

I understand that you were handed a file (21 pages) a concise summary complied by Ms Anne Kavanagh Secretary BeBuyBac which made you aware of the many years that the Aboriginal Embassy has been involved with the Hepburn Pool, which has been well supporting by the local community, (Ref. Brian Hawkes)

You will recall during that meeting the Aboriginal Embassy Ambassador Beryl Booth, clearly stated that the 1996 claim to the site was made under common law, and not under any native title claim, I now understand the Mr. Graham Atkinson Chair of the Dja Dja Wrung Title Group was not fully aware of the overall contents or your (phone) enquiry.

As to give the Hepburn community peace of mind, I now ask the reasons that your report on the Community and Stakeholders Consolation 12th July 2006 makes no mention of the Aboriginal Embassy input, and that of others members of the community that brought the indigenous issues to the forefront

Yours sincerely
Colleen Sheehy
Secretary to the AmbassadorBeryl Booth

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