Sunday, May 13, 2007

Rob Hulls Minister 12/09/06

Rob Hulls,Minister for Planning
Level 17, 8 Nicholson St.
East Melbourne 3002 September 12th 2006

Dear Rob Hulls,

I write to add to our letter dated August 3 2006, which we have not received any response to date. However we have obtained a copy of Ms Lynne Haultian report on the Hepburn Pool Community Meeting held 12th July 2006.

We find Ms Lynne Haultian report very disturbing, she appears to have disregarded the Indigenous issues raised at the meeting, as mention in our previous correspondence, she was presented with a 21 page brief that clearly outlining the indigenous issues raised, which had been on the public agenda for some ten years, which we feel needed to be clarified, as to put the communities minds at rest.

I was personally assured by Ms. Haultian, that she would forward a copy of the 21 page brief to you, I can only assume that she has done so, Therefor I need not illustrate the serious and most relevant contents of such documents.

We have received various Emails and letters from the Hepburn community, concerning Ms. Haultian report, it appears that others are also discontented with her poor performance. I have enclosed of copy of (pasted) letters to the editor local news paper Advocate, publicly expressing their own personal concerns.

We raised our concerns with Ms. Haultian, by way of Email 21 August 2006, her response received 22 Aug. 2006 (copy enclosed) We don't wish to appear as vindictive towards Ms. Haultian, as this is not the case, but for her to suggest "If the Aboriginal Embassy is keen to play a role in the future of the Hepburn Pool" leaves open to question, her ability to comprehend the various documents presented to her at the community meeting 12 July 2006.

We appreciate that Ms. Haultian had consulted Mr. Graham Atkinson, Chair Dja Dja Wrung Native Title Group, by way of a phone call. We have been advised that Mr. Atkinson, was not made aware overall intent of her inquire, or made aware of the 1996 claim over the site.

In our previous letter made mention of that we were unsure of the name lawyers assisting your department, as to correct the record, it now appears that Peter Wilson of Nevett Ford Lawyers of Ballarat, assisted Ms. Haultian. Which could have greatly influenced her final report. It appears to us that this Government has lost faith in it's own department heads and staff to carry out such a simple function.

We trust that you will personally inform Ms. Haultian of our disappointment, Re: her suspect report. We also take this opportunity to ask, with the wider community best interest in mind, for a detailed list of cost paid to all Lawyers, Lynne Haultain, Senior Consultant, CPR for the Report on Hepburn Pool Community and Stakeholder Consultation June- July 2006?

Yours sincerely
Beryl Booth

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