Monday, September 8, 2008

Court report up date 8/9/08

Court Magistrates' Horsham 13 August 2008, The Office of public prosecution Ms Raeleene Maxwell, prior to court, requested to talk with the defendant, as she could not answer the question of jurisdiction, she requested the matter to be adjourned. the defendant agreed, The matter is set for committal contest at Horsahm Magistrates' Court on the 16 October 2008, It could be said the court must prove it's Jurisdiction over the Aboriginal people, (Note After the 16 October hearing, the matter will be them heard before Judge and Jury)..

25 May Post.
I am now to appear at the Horsham Court on the 13 August 2008, before Judge and Jury, strange but true, It may be the Jury can answer the question as to "Jurisdiction of the Courts has over the Aboriginal People of Victoria.." as it appears that the Chief magistrates and the Magistrate Court can not provide the answer, at this point in time. It is now becoming quite clear "No!.. Jurisdiction"

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