Monday, September 8, 2008

Premiers Aboriginal Advisory Counci. PAAC.8/9/08

Expression of Interest: "The Victorian Government Social policy Statement A Fairer Victorian Sets out it's commitment to building a new partnership with Indigenous Victorians" as from the 5 September to the 22 September 2008.

The Victoria Government has now requested that Thirty-Eight new Local Indigenous Networks (LINs) and eight Regional Indigenous Council (RICs) be established across Victoria, and from 2009 representatives from those regional groups will join the Premier's Aboriginal Advisory Council (PAAC) to give Victorian's Indigenous people a Voice.

As many of you may not know that as from the 1st July 2005, "... there was no formal representative structure in Victoria for Government to hear the Views of Indigenous people" ( from Media Release dated Wednesday 8 June 2005, Re Aboriginal Affairs Minister, Gavin Jennings.)

At the date of this post, the Victorian Government is still not committed to hear any views or issus put forward by any Aboriginal person(s) or group. In essence, Aboriginals views put to Government were to be total ignored, a situation we found very rude, if not detrimental to the whole Aboriginal population of Victoria, and must be rectified at the earliest moment.

(It is of interest to note, since July 2005, the Victorian government initiated the RAPS program and aided by VAJC set the new Koori Court System, (What is really going on?) Wake up!

It is most important for all Aboriginal person to become involved in the proposed LINs and RACs, as to give our people concerns to Government, it now time for new blood to stand up for the rights of our people, changing of the old Guard needs to be given deep consideration.
If you are interested in assisting this urgent cause and require more information on the role of LINs, RACs and Paac contact please:-

Mr. Simon Holmes, Projects Manger, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, Tel 03 9208 3289

LIN REpresentation on PAAC, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria Level 9, 1 Springs Street Melbourne 3000, Fax 9208 3098

Ps, Please Note that expressions of interest must be received by: 2pm Monday 22 September 2008. Yes in very short time.

Date posted 8/9/08

Les McDonald
Chief Lore Officer
Aboriginal Embassy Victoria

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